Design is the core of everything.



Good design means never having to say you’re sorry. Well, actually, that’s not what it is at all. Design is slippery to explain. It’s often confused with the way something looks. But that’s only part of it. It’s more closely, how something works. It’s beyond the aesthetic, it’s merging art and function into a meaningful, well-reasoned solution. It’s more about a way of thinking… Design Thinking.

By taking design thinking out of the abstract, a process can be used to tackle almost any “design” project.
1: Define the Problem
2: Create and Consider Options
3: Refine Directions
4: Execute Ideas

I could go on in trivial detail about each of the previous four bullet points, but I suspect you get the idea. Design describes a repeatable process using unique and creative techniques to yield guaranteed results — hopefullly exceeding initial expectations, and design that’s beautiful in the way it looks, and more importantly, the way it works.

Wanna see some examples? go to the homepage… and scroll : )

The broader one’s understanding of the human experience, the better design we will have.
— Steve Jobs